Teens Outdoors & Occupied! - TPOUTOCCUPIED

Teens Outdoors & Occupied!

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Activity Details

Teens Outdoors & Occupied!

Meeting Details

Time: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Days: Mon - Fri
Forest Ridge Park
2100 Old NC 98 Hwy
Wake Forest, NC, 27587
Forest Ridge Park Classroom


Age older than or equal to 13.00 and younger than or equal to 15.99. The date used for calculating the age is August 31st of the Current Year


Match One Household Feature(s) of: Frozen for NonPayment.
Less Than 5 days before the Item(s) begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac.

Teens Outdoors & Occupied!

Teens Outdoors & Occupied! is designed to expose teenagers to local outdoors activities available at nature and state parks. This camp will have a heavy focus on paddling with regards to kayak identification, paddling techniques, water safety and more. Paddling on the water with kayaks may occur daily. Traditional camp games and activities will accompany the schedule. Leadership and life skills components are implemented to enhance this outdoor experience. Sign-In/Drop off is from 8:00am-8:30am and Pick-Up/Sign-Out is from 5:00pm-5:30pm. Please be on time as fieldtrips may depart as early as 9:00am. Participants should bring a lunch, two snacks, sunscreen and a reusable water bottle each day. Participants should dress in comfortable clothing as it relates to the daily schedule.


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