Exercise - Sertoma Kripalu Yoga Beginning - STARKRIPBEG

Exercise - Sertoma Kripalu Yoga Beginning

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Exercise - Sertoma Kripalu Yoga Beginning

Meeting Details

Time: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Days: Mon
Sertoma Arts Center
1400 W Millbrook Rd
Raleigh, NC, 27612
Sertoma AR Raleigh Room


Age older than or equal to 16.00 and younger than or equal to 99.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
More Than or Equal to 0 days before the item end date.
Interface Type of RecTrac,Mobile RecTrac.
More Than or Equal to 1 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.
Registration For Summer Programs Opens 3/19/2024 at 5:30am


Match One Household Feature(s) of: Frozen for NonPayment.

Exercise - Sertoma Kripalu Yoga Beginning

The ancient art of yoga combines postures for the body, breathing for relaxation and meditation for the mind. Kripalu is a gentle yoga that encourages students to discover their own degree of flexibility rather than push past their limits. Before undertaking any exercise program, one should consult a physician. Bring a large towel or blanket and wear comfortable clothing. 6 sessions. Instructor: Susan Kilmon.


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