To Bloom or Not to Bloom? - DUNPBLOOM

To Bloom or Not to Bloom?

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Activity Details

To Bloom or Not to Bloom?

Meeting Details

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Days: Wed
Durant Nature Preserve
8305 Camp Durant Rd
Raleigh, NC, 27614


Age older than or equal to 10.00 and younger than or equal to 99.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
More Than or Equal to 0 days before the item end date.
Interface Type of RecTrac,Mobile RecTrac.
More Than or Equal to 1 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.
Registration For Summer Programs Opens 3/19/2024 at 5:30am


Match One Household Feature(s) of: Frozen for NonPayment.

To Bloom or Not to Bloom?

Take an evening walk with us to watch the coming of spring. Specifically, we will talk about how as the climate changes, plants are changing when they put out leaves, bloom, and produce seeds. Those changes affect animals and other critters that depend on these plants. Come learn about these changes in timing, their effects, and what we can do as community scientists to help monitor the changes. Children must be accompanied by adults. Pre-registration is required.
Meet at the Training Lodge, off the North parking lot.


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