Painting - New Paths in Watercolor: A Workshop with Rick Bennett - PUARPAINT23

Painting - New Paths in Watercolor: A Workshop with Rick Bennett

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Painting - New Paths in Watercolor: A Workshop with Rick Bennett

Meeting Details

Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Days: Sat
Pullen Arts Center
105 Pullen Rd
Raleigh, NC, 27607


Age older than or equal to 16.00 and younger than or equal to 99.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
More Than or Equal to 0 days before the item end date.
Interface Type of RecTrac,Mobile RecTrac.
More Than or Equal to 1 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.
Registration For Summer Programs Opens 3/19/2024 at 5:30am


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Painting - New Paths in Watercolor: A Workshop with Rick Bennett

This workshop is for intermediate or advanced artists with some experience with the basics of watercolor who are looking to expand their skills. The focus will be on moving the paint, advanced layering to build textures and refine values, creative correcting skills, and how to make colors intricate and interesting. I will teach how to create depth in the painting and give volume to objects. The students will learn ways to evaluate and adjust at the final stages of your painting. Successful paintings by watercolor masters will be examined for learning skill sets. We will discuss what creates your style. Painting methods will be demonstrated, and students will have lots of painting time with individual assistance. Photo references will be provided but participants may bring their own. Students should plan to bring a bag lunch, break will take place from 12-1pm. Students bring their own materials, supply list prints on receipt. 1 sessions. Instructor: Rick Bennett.
Students will supply their own materials to work with. Feel free to contact Rick with any supply questions. See contact info at bottom.

Jerry's Artarama, 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh has a huge store and a wide range of art supplies. Blick Art Materials and Cheap Joes as well as Jerry's Artarama have websites for ordering.

If you already have Artist Grade paints of different colors or sizes of watercolor brushes different than those suggested, bring those to the first class. So if you already have a warm red you don't have to buy the specific Brand and color listed below. We will be discussing paints and brushes at class.
Buy only Artist grade paints. Student grade paints have more fillers and do not perform as well. It is a better value to buy Artist grade paints and get better results.

Paints needed: Windsor Newton, Daniel Smith Maimeri Blu or Lukas Brands
Permanent Rose, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow light, Lukas or Daniel Smith brand New Gamboge
Windsor Newton Cerulean, Ultramarine Blue

Brushes: Jerry's Artarama has a line of very inexpensive synthetics Creative Mark Mimik that do paint well. #1 (or #2) round, #4 round, #8 round, #10 round

Paper: Arches 140 Cold Pressed 22 x 30 inch sheet, 2 sheets to begin class (available for purchase through Pullen's supply store). Paper sold in blocks are also fine, though more expensive, and they don't require a support board. Do not buy cheap paper like Strathmore it does not paint well. Fabriano can be substituted if Arches is not in stock.

Plastic Palette, with cover and multiple wells for paints, center mixing area
Support board: Masonite, foam core, Gatorboard or rigid plexiglass. Minimum size of 11 x 14. (not needed with paper blocks)
Spritz bottle: plastic bottle that sprays fine mist of water. Also found at drug stores in beauty aids department or a Dollar Store, can use a well rinsed windex bottle
Box of tissues, paper towels, masking tape (not blue color)
kneaded eraser, HB or 2B pencil, ruler from home, 2 or 3 plastic cups or containers that hold at least 2 cups water each, pen for notes.
[email protected]


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