League Information

Details for Fall Adult Softball - Div 2 T/TH

Transaction date/time after 07/15/24 @ 5:30 am and before 08/21/24 @ 11:59 pm.More Than or Equal To 0.01 Hours Before the end date/time.
More Than or Equal to 0 days before the item end date.
Interface Type of RecTrac,Mobile RecTrac.
More Than or Equal to 1 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 07/23/24 @ 5:30 am.

Walnut Creek Athletic Complex1201 Sunnybrook RdRaleigh, NC, 27610(919)250-2725Facility: Walnut Creek Athletic Complex All

12@60 min

$24.00 + $0.00 Tax = $24.00 $450.00 + $0.00 Tax = $450.00 $24.00 + $0.00 Tax = $24.00 $450.00 + $0.00 Tax = $450.00

Manager's Meeting: TBA
Rosters: TBA
League starts: TBA
Teams are allotted three practices prior to the league start date (one practice per week Sunday-Saturday). Only (1) practice per week will be available as first-come-first serve once the season starts.