Eligibility More Than or Equal to 14 days before the item begin date.Length in hours More Than or Equal To 2.00. Less Than or Equal to 120 days before the item begin date.Restrictions Item begin holiday list: all holidays
ResidentPaid in Full: Supervisory Fee (Standard Fee): $30.00 + $0.00 Tax = $30.00Kitchen Fee per Hour (Standard Fee): $25.00 + $0.00 Tax = $25.00Non-ResidentPaid in Full: Supervisory Fee (Standard Fee): $30.00 + $0.00 Tax = $30.00Kitchen Fee per Hour (Standard Fee): $25.00 + $0.00 Tax = $25.00
Comment(s): Kitchens are available for an additional fee. Kitchens must be reserved in conjunction with another room in the same location. Kitchens are for catering and warming only. Kitchen reservations require a 2 hour minimum.Permit requests will be subject to staff approval. Upon approval, payment will be required to confirm the reservation. Your reservation is not finalized until you receive confirmation of your payment.
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