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Forest Ridge Park Kayak Adventure - FRORK1ADV

Join us for a kayaking adventure as we explore the undeveloped southern shoreline of Forest Ridge Park. Previous paddle experience is preferred for this scenic 3-hour paddle. We will meet our transportation at the Forest Ridge Park Welcome Center. After a short ride to the Falls Lake Visitor's Center, we will provide brief instruction before launching our kayaks and heading out as a group to explore the lake. The paddle trip will conclude at the Forest Ridge Park fishing area, a short walk away from the welcome center and parking area. Registration includes all equipment, instruction, transportation to launch site and wonderful views of the lake and park. Pre-registration is required, and spots are limited so register today!
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Column #11
Add To Selection List Available FRORK1ADV-002 Forest Ridge Park Kayak Excursion 08/30/2024 -08/30/2024 9:00 am -12:00 pm F Forest Ridge Park 14-99.99 $31.00/$46.00

Forest Ridge Park Kayak Tours - FRORK1TOUR

Join one of our kayak tours at Forest Ridge Park as we explore the shoreline along the north side of the park. No previous experience is required for this fun focused 2-hour paddle trip. We will meet at the waterfront and provide brief instruction before heading out as a group to explore the lake. Registration is required, and spots are limited so register now! Not able to make this date/time? Check back or call the park office for additional dates or to schedule your custom tour.
4 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Column #11
Add To Selection List Available FRORK1TOUR-044 Forest Ridge Park Kayak Tours 07/19/2024 -07/19/2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm F Forest Ridge Park 14-99.99 $21.00/$36.00
Add To Selection List Available FRORK1TOUR-045 Forest Ridge Park Kayak Tours 08/23/2024 -08/23/2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm F Forest Ridge Park 14-99.99 $21.00/$36.00
Add To Selection List Available FRORK1TOUR-206 Forest Ridge Park Kayak Tours 07/12/2024 -07/12/2024 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm F Forest Ridge Park 14-99.99 $21.00/$36.00
Add To Selection List Available FRORK1TOUR-209 Forest Ridge Park Kayak Tours 08/02/2024 -08/02/2024 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm F Forest Ridge Park 14-99.99 $21.00/$36.00